Why does steam take so long to
Why does steam take so long to

Why this bandwidth chokehold happens is still a hotly debated topic.Īlthough there are several ways to speed up cloud sync times on Steam, they aren’t necessarily all great options.

why does steam take so long to

For example, I generally get an average of 4-5mbps upload speed and Steam won’t upload faster than 500kbps on occasions.

why does steam take so long to

Your Internet connection upload speed also plays a part in the Steam cloud sync upload time, however, even if you have a blazing fast connection, Steam does often upload at a far slower rate than your maximum speed. In an average 4-hour session of Divinity Original Sin, you can quite easily rack up 20mb or more of save files, especially if you are quite far into the game. On the other hand, games like Fallout, Divinity Original Sin, Skyrim, and The Witcher Series all have very large save files and lots of regular autosave points which queues a lot of data for cloud sync. Instead, this data is saved on the game in questions server in real time. This is because these particular games don’t have much or any save data to send to the cloud. If you have been playing a game like PUBG, Rainbow Six, Call of Duty or other first-person shooters, you will generally find that Steam shuts down fast, with minimal data syncing to the cloud, if any at all. The reason Steam cloud sync can be extremely slow from time to time depends on the games you were playing during your session. Why Does Steam Cloud Sync Take Forever Sometimes? Before we cover, some remedies for this issue, it's important to understand why this happens, and why it isn't entirely Steams fault. For most people cloud sync generally only takes a few seconds to complete when exiting the client, but on some occasions, this can take several minutes. The steam client does have one shortcoming, which isn’t entirely Steams fault, the issue in question is the speed cloud sync, one of the clients most useful features.

Why does steam take so long to